Jaegher Pro Bikefit
350 euro (BTW incl)
Jaegher Pro Bikefit
350 euro (BTW incl)
> pain and symptoms analysis
> flexibility analysis
> body screening
> muscle strength analysis
> osteopathic analysis of spine
> analysis of sacro-iliacal joint
> joint mobility examination
> crank length determination
> neurological examination if needed
> cleat position analysis
> video analysis current position
> set-up of new position on fitbike
> video analysis of new position
> test of new position on demanding course,
including downhill and uphill simulation
> saddle test & advise
> pedals + axle length test & advise
> optimal shifter position
> Full report Jaegher frame build and set-up according to Jaegher Bikefit
> Precision fine-tuning of your Jaegher to match its planned specifications and geometry
> Follow-up appointment (45 minutes) after a few months of riding
> 2nd and 3rd bike set-up in new position optional at hourly rate
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